Loose diamonds are diamonds that are not set into any kind of jewellery. They are simply the loose stones themselves. If you're looking for a beautiful and unique gift idea, loose diamonds are a great option; so your loved one can choose the piece of jewellery they create.
Loose diamonds can be gifted through the years to celebrate birthdays and other milestones, until the recipient decides the piece of jewellery they would like to have custom made using their diamond collection.
We have always loved this idea as a Christening gift. Celebrate the baby's arrival with a diamond, and mark life's milestones throughout the years with loose stones, kept safely until they create a bespoke piece, such as a diamond pendant, with their own diamond collection.
Loose diamonds come in a variety of sizes and price ranges. They are presented in a gift card, with all the information regarding the diamond's gemological characteristics included. The option of exchanging a combination of smaller stones for one larger diamond is also available.
By Amy Ryan


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