
An eve in the workshop with our Goldsmith while he handcrafted our solid 9ct gold bangle — because there’s nothing nicer than having people hover over you as you work!

Especially with this one. Most bangles are machine made and to 100% craft one by hand is tricky business - the two parts must fit together perfectly, so if you accidentally shave off a teeny tiny bit too much - well, back you go and start it all again. Handcrafting a functioning clasp is a whole other thing! We stayed for the last 5 hours, the whole process takes about 10.

The dedication of slow craft  is impressive — it’s a labour of love to spend hours and hours making one single piece like this, and about the furthest from mass produced, fast fashion you can get.

This solid bangle design is our most popular piece to remodel from old jewellery — if you have old jewellery you no longer wear, the gold from the pieces can be used to handcraft this bespoke chic & timeless forever piece, sustainably crafted just for you. 

By Amy Maria Ryan


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