
Society has revered the diamond as a precious product of nature for hundreds of years. It takes billions of years for a diamond to be formed.

Once formed under extreme temperature and heat, a diamond rests in the Earth's crust approximately 90 miles beneath the surface awaiting to be discovered.
A diamond's beauty, rarity and value inspired research into its synthesis as early as the 1700s. Although scientists explored the possibility of growing a diamond in the lab, they didn't have the technology to produce the high levels of heat and pressure needed for diamond formation.

Fortunately by the 1950s all the hard labour paid off and the first batch of lab grown diamonds appeared. It took another 40 years to produce gem quality lab grown diamonds.

By now the term 'Lab Diamond' is well known however there is a lot of misleading information about the stone.


So what is the difference between a mined and lab-grown diamond?

The difference is the process of diamond formation - one is a geological process and the other is technological. Chemical composition is essentially the same in both mined & lab grown diamonds. 

Whilst mined diamonds formed naturally over billions of years deep underground, lab diamonds are grown in a lab using a process called high pressure, high temperature or HPHT. The HPHT method mimics the pressure and temperature conditions that lead to natural diamond formation. A diamond seed is placed into a reactor where it is subjected to intense heat and pressure.The atoms travel through the growth medium - metal flux- and crystalise on the seed as diamond. The process is closely monitored by scientists which allows control for diamond quality.

After a number of weeks the diamond rough is formed and the next step is to cut and polish the beautiful stone. 

There is a significant difference between earth-mined diamonds and lab grown where cost is concerned. Lab diamonds are approximately 40% cheaper which allows the customer to choose a larger stone for their budget if they wish. The lab diamonds in Ryan Thomas Jewellers are independently certified. Just like for mined diamonds, the certificate states colour, clarity, cut and symmetry, in addition to the other relevant information custom for diamond certificates and reports. 

Moreover, all of our lab diamonds have their own identification number laser inscribed on the girdle and then documented in the certificate. No two diamonds are exactly the same, regardless of their birth place, so having a diamond certificate is like having a passport for the gem. Experienced jewellers are able to examine the stone under the lupe and find its identifying characteristics individual to that particular stone, and cross reference them with the information in the certificate. 

Lab diamonds feel, wear and sparkle exactly the same way as the mined diamond. As mentioned, the only difference is the birth place.
We love to offer our customers the choice. If you would like a bigger, better quality diamond within your price budget, then perhaps a Lab diamond is the right choice for you. Maybe you have a diamond ring already and are looking for diamond stud earrings, or a tennis style diamond set bracelet? Possibilities are endless.

We are there to inform and guide you in whichever direction you choose to go.

Browse diamond jewellery at Ryan Thomas

By Amy Ryan


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