
Watch Kristina Kiely, diamond specialist at Ryan Thomas Jewellers share some of her expertise on diamonds, focusing on solitaire diamond rings. If you're unable to watch the video right now, scroll below the video to read the main points. If you have any other questions about solitaire diamond engagement rings you can get in touch here.



What is a Solitaire?

Solitaire diamond rings feature one magnificent diamond. This single diamond is selected in a specific shape, such as emerald cut, pear cut, marquise cut or round brilliant. It is mounted on or set into a metal band. The most popular solitaire diamond shape is the round brilliant because it has the most facets, either 57 or 58. Facets are the angles which create the abundance of sparkle.

When shopping for a solitaire diamond ring, especially a round brilliant one, we advise you to look for the fire i.e. the flashes of colour that you see when the diamond moves. Fire is what happens when white light enters a diamond and is dispersed in all its rainbow colours. Also, look for the flashes of white colour, which is known as the diamond's brilliance.

A well executed cut is what humans can contribute to this beautiful stone, as we cannot control its other features, namely its colour and clarity. Expert diamond cutters can execute a beautiful, brilliant diamond.

Originally diamond rings were set in a rubover or bezel setting which didn't allow for the brilliance that we see today. In 1887 Tiffany & Co. revealed a revolutionary new setting, the Tiffany setting. It held the diamond above the band on claws which allowed the light to travel through the diamond resulting in more fire and brilliance.

The Origins of the Engagement Ring

Engagement rings date back more than 2000 years and were originally worn on the thumb or on the middle finger. In the fifth century a Roman writer, Marcobias, is credited with the change from wearing an engagement ring on the thumb or middle finger to the fourth finger of the left hand. He declared that the Vein Amori or love vein ran through this fourth finger and was connected directly to the heart. Therefore, wearing a ring on this finger stimulated the love nerve and ensured that your love lasted forever. The Vein Amori theory has since been disproved but the tradition lives on, since we continue to wear our engagement rings on this finger.

At Ryan Thomas we specialise in diamond rings, in every shape and style. Prices start at €1,000 and increase to whatever amount you wish to spend. Our advice is to avoid compromising on quality; choose a smaller high quality stone, as it always looks better than a bigger stone which doesn't have as much sparkle or fire.

If you would like to arrange a viewing of diamond rings in our private diamond boutique when we reopen please contact us here.

By Amy Ryan


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